Free Guided Meditations

Present Moment

This will bring you to awareness of the present moment and the power that exists within you at each and every moment. By Dave Harding from Innisfail, Far North Queensland, Australia.

Cope With Bullying

A guided meditation designed to ease the effects of bullying in your mind, body and spirit. By Dave Harding from Innisfail, FNQ Far North Queensland, Australia.

2 Minute Mindfulness

A 2 minute guided meditation designed to steady your breathing from 8 breaths per minute to just 4 breaths per minute. By Dave Harding from Innisfail, FNQ Far North Queensland, Australia.

Deep Relaxation

A 10 minute guided meditation for deep relaxation by Dave Harding from Innisfail, FNQ Far North Queensland, Australia.

It's Not Me, It's You

A guided meditation to help with criticism and compliments called It's Not Me It's You. Designed to reduce stress and anxiety seemingly caused by others.

Creative Learning

A Guided Meditation to improve your ability to learn easily and effortlessly by Dave Harding in Innisfail, FNQ Far North Queensland, Australia.

Reboot You

A guided meditation to help reboot your being. Much like when computers are rebooted, they respond better, this is the human version of that.

Shut the F*ck Up

A guided meditation to help quieten your mind. Eliminate all the chatter and shut the f*ck up. WARNING - CONTAINS THE WORD FUCK


If you are interested, Dave is available for conventions, seminars, corporate well being and general group work.
I do a limited number of group session for Not-For-Profits like Surf Life Saving Clubs at no cost.
If there is a meditation you would like composed, simply le me know and I'll do my best to accommodate.