All therapy is provided with the greatest of intention for you and your highest self.


Firstly, there is no such thing as a standard consultation. That being said, I will try my best to describe what you can expect. Most consultations last for about 90 minutes. If it helps, the quickest therapy session has been 7 minutes and the longest 3 hours.

The first 20 minutes is about understanding you. There is a simple form to fill in and while you do this, I tune into elements about you. This is an auto-pilot process and I have no idea what I am actually doing or what name to give it. I get a lot of insight about you somehow. We have a discussion and I spend most of that time understanding the process of what you are going through as opposed to the symptoms of what you are experiencing. I do not need details so you have the option of disclosing as little or as much as you like.

I trust in my intuition and in all the learning I have done in this life and in others. At this point, I will have an idea of what will work best for you. I have over 150 different techniques and will decide on a blend of these to achieve the best result for you.

The next 60 minutes will be the therapy itself. The words I like to use are "whatever it takes". At this point it important to realise I am working with your mind, your emotions and your spirit. You are typically seated throughout the therapy although some people may choose to lie down. It is very rare to provide any hands-on therapy. If for any reason I need to set up a physical anchor you will be asked for your permission and it will be non-intrusive.

During this phase you may or may not experience a range of emotions, memories and transformations. Some I will be aware of, others I will not. I will invoke whatever my intuition and spirit guides proffer. This earthly qualification lean toward hypnotic therapy and past life qualifications lean towards shamanism. Others I have no idea what to call, they just happen. At every stage of the therapy you are in full control. You can accept and reject anything you choose to. There is no benefit in offering therapy that you could reject.

The final part of the therapy is debriefing and testing. Proving what worked and how effective it is.


Anyone with average intelligence or above and who is willing can expect good results. Everyone is influenced everyday by many things: our environment, beliefs, friends, feelings, even our own bodies. The therapy focuses on the influence that supports your outcome. Feel free to discuss any questions with Rapid Change Therapy.


Therapy is best conducted in a very peaceful state of mind. Similar to meditation, stress and pressures disappear and every nerve and muscle in your body is free of tension while you remain alert and completely in control. When you open your eyes, you feel peaceful, refreshed, optimistic and hopeful, and determined and motivated to follow through with new positive patterns. It appeals to your Highest Self!


Most sessions run for about 90 minutes and you are expected to be punctual. If you are running late contact Rapid Change Therapy on 0422 182 236 as it might be better to reschedule.Phone: 0422 182 236
click to call now


Rapid Change Therapy sessions are $150.

Payment is expected at time of therapy.


Most results are rapid and permanent. If for whatever reason your experience requires additional support. I am an email or phone call away. It's all about the results for you.


It is important that total honesty prevails in a therapy session. Remember that you are in a safe and secure environment where you are not judged. Your health, safety and desired results are best achieved through open and honest communication.


The Red Pill or The Blue PillThe placebo effect is a subject really close to my heart. This is where my belief in the power of the mind comes to the fore.

The placebo effect is a term they use in the pharmaceutical/medical world when it comes to trialling new drugs and treatments.

There is a new drug or the potential for a new cure and they do trials. Some of the trial candidates are given the new drug or treatment and others are given a fake version of the drug or treatment (the placebo). They monitor the results of the trial between the control group and the placebo group.

Often, 30%, 40%, 50% and even more get a satisfactory result from the placebo effect. Some get a result from the drug or treatment and the remaining get no result at all. What I find most interesting is that with the control group that get a result from the drug or treatment, how many of them would have got a result on the placebo?

This is the power of the mind. It thinks it is getting a treatment, the body responds accordingly and healing takes place. I unequivocally believe the mind can heal anything.